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Green Heritage Project

Erasmus +
project within KA1.
Fiesta Farm, Tiszalök, Hungary
06.08-15.08. 2015
Spain, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Croatia, Hungary

The location of the program is Tiszalök, 6 youngsters (18-25 years) from six countries participate during the ten days (36 people, along with group leaders).

The topic of the project is the environmental protection including the recycle of household waste. During the project our purpose is to reveal the importance of the topic and make the youngsters to realize that responsibele european citizen look after the environment, collect the waste selectivly and save the energy.
During the Youth Exchange these youngsters can learn about different countries waste-dealing politics, alternative energy utilizing equipment, and during the workshops they can recycle using their creativity. Furthermore the participants attend interactive presentations which show less known part of environment protection and recycling that they can use in their life.
During the 10 days we focus on competence based methods, that use non-formal learning tools.